No doubt, everybody wants to live healthy and for this, they eat healthy. However, sometimes people do not know about the food they are eating or the effects of the food on their health. Therefore, they fall sick. So, in such cases, people look forward to actually fulfill the demand of necessary nutrients such as vitamin, protein, mineral, iron etc. If it is the case then they should go with USANA mega antioxidant.

You must have known that green vegetables and fruits are rich sources of antioxidants. However, sometimes our body does not get the required amount of nutrients to produce the antioxidant thus, in such cases we look for manmade antioxidants.
Following are some of the ingredients of dietary antioxidant:
• Alpha Lipoic Acid
• Bioflavonoid Complex
• Biotin
• Choline Bitartrate
• Coenzyme Q10
• Folate
• Inositol
• Lutein
• Lycopene
• N-Acetyl L-Cysteine
• Niacin
• Olivol
• Pantothenic Acid
• Riboflavin
• Thiamin
• Turmeric Extract
• Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K